Cyber Adversary Detection Engine (CADE)

Visualizing complex human behavior models while maintaining readability and interpretability for human analysts is an existing problem. The CADE project consists of the development of a human-in-the-loop visualization system depicting AI-generated, probabilistic behavior models. We explore the integration of the Inverse HAP cyber behavior modeling system developed by Charles River Analytics to provide expert analysts with an interactive tool representing human behavior in a comprehensive and readable format. This system presents behavioral data as a hierarchical, tree-based abstraction within an interactive 3D space. Continued research implements qualitative UX methodologies for the improvement of the existing system.




Magy Seif El-Nasr

Erica Kleinman

Stefany Arevalo Escobar

Spencer Lynn, Charles River Analytics

Bryan Loyall, Charles River Analytics

Technical Team at CRA



Charles River Analytics

Office of Naval ResearchÂ