Social Intelligence and Theory of Mind

CADE Project: Endowing an AI with Theory of Mind using probabilistic behavior languages

This work explores developing inverse behavior language - in particular inverse HAP developed by Charles River Analytics to do plan and goal recognition. We use a combination of PPL and visualization to allow experts to correct behavior models encoded.


To come.

Team: Erica Kleinman, Stefany Arevalo Escobar

Alumni: Andy Bryant, Murtuza Shergadwala, Zhaoqing Teng

Partners: Charles River Analytics

Funders: ONR, CRA

Warmth and Competence

How to develop agents that engender trust? In this project we experimented with embedding gestures that can evoke warmth and competence in virtual embodied characters.


Nguyen, T. H. D., Carstensdottir, E., Ngo, N., El-Nasr, M. S., Gray, M., Isaacowitz, D., & Desteno, D. (2015, August). Modeling warmth and competence in virtual characters. In International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 167-180). Springer, Cham. [pdf]

Team: Elin Carstensdottir, Sharon Carnicke, Stacy Marsella

Funders: Northeastern University (tier 1 grant)

Endowing an AI with Theory of Mind using cognitive modeling


Shergadwala, M. N., & Seif El-Nasr, M. (2021). Esports Agents with a Theory of Mind: Towards Better Engagement, Education, and Engineering. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.04940. [PDF]

Team: Erica Kleinman, Murtuza Shergadwala, Zhaoqing Teng, Thanh Long X. Vu

Partners: Co-Design Lab at UC Berkeley

Funders: CITRIS

Learning Theory of Mind using Active Analysis and Crowd Sourcing

This work explores the use of crowd sourcing and active analysis as a technique to acquire a narrative model that can encode theory of mind and social intelligence.


Feng, D., Sequeira, P., Carstensdottir, E., El-Nasr, M. S., & Marsella, S. (2018, December). Learning generative models of social interactions with humans-in-the-loop. In 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) (pp. 509-516). IEEE. [PDF]
Feng, D., Carstensdottir, E., El-Nasr, M. S., & Marsella, S. (2019). Exploring improvisational approaches to social knowledge acquisition. [PDF]
Feng, D., Carstensdottir, E., Carnicke, S. M., El-Nasr, M. S., & Marsella, S. (2016, November). An active analysis and crowd sourced approach to social training. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 156-167). Springer, Cham. [PDF]

Team: Dan Feng, Elin Carstensdottir, Sharon Carnicke, Stacy Marsella

Funders: NSF